Sticking Probability of High-Energy Methane on Crystalline, Amorphous, and Porous Amorphous Ice Films


We present research detailing the sticking probability of CH4 on various D2O ices of terrestrial and astrophysical interest using a combination of time-resolved, in situ reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS) and King and Wells mass spectrometry techniques. As the incident translational energy of CH4 increases (up to 1.8 eV), the sticking probability decreases for all ice films studied, which include high-density, non-porous amorphous (np-ASW), and crystalline (CI) films as well as porous amorphous (p-ASW) films with various pore morphologies. Importantly, sticking probabilities for all p-ASW films diverge and remain higher than either np-ASW or CI films at the highest translational energies studied. This trend is consistent across all porous morphologies studied and does not depend on pore size or orientation relative to the substrate. It is proposed that in addition to offering slightly higher binding energies the porous network in the D2O film is very efficient at dissipating the energy of the incident CH4 molecule. These results offer a clear picture of the initial adsorption of small molecules on various icy interfaces; a quantitative understanding of these mechanisms is essential for the accurate modeling of many astrophysical processes occurring on the surface of icy dust particles.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C
